March 14, 2015

FEELING: Excited! I am so happy to be getting a little makeover for the blog. I have been wanting to really simplify my blog and prettify it and now its going to happen finally. I have loved all of my designs, but I feel like I was trying a little too hard. It's time to just get a simple design that really showcases my taste while being pleasing to the reader's eye. I purchased a pre-made Blogger template from Check them out if you want a little update!

Also, my bedroom makeover is underway. I still have a few more pieces to get, but its headed in the right direction. I am really feeling relaxed now that my room is in order.

THINKING ABOUT: Eating healthier and decluttering my life. I have so much going on right now, and I just want to be able to dedicate my time and space to things that matter. I definitely need to eat better (eating more good and less bad than the opposite) and I still have quite a few things to donate/get rid of.

LISTENING TO: My March Playlist and 90s Playlist on Spotify!

WATCHING: Secrets and Lies on ABC. Have you watched this show? It's cah-razy, but in a good way. Welcome back, Ryan Phillipe. We've missed you. Also, watching my usual - finishing up Gilmore Girls soon (sad), House of Cards, Scandal, Revenge, and going to start Unbreakable Kimmy Shmidt on Netflix (love Tina Fey's work).

EATING: Fast food, again. Ugh. What is wrong with me?! I need to grocery shop and start eating better.

READING: Finished Something Blue last week on iBooks (YAY!) and now I am onto finish my Audible books (all 5 of them, yeesh). I want to go ahead and start on #GIRLBOSS. I have heard good things about it.

THANKFUL FOR: Rainy days and days off from work. I got Friday off this week for Spring break. I did a whole bunch of nothing, which isn't like me. It was fantastic!

LOVING: The warmer weather (minus the depressing 4 days of rain/clouds). I really am ready for Spring time. I am also ready to go and get me a bunch of Tulips today. It's Tulip season!

Happy Saturday, xx.

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