In 2013...
1. I experienced the happiness of seeing my niece grow and turn 1!
2. I experienced the heartbreak of my marriage ending...
3. I landed on my own two feet and have made steps forward.
4. I have lived on my own successfully for over 7 months.
5. I have enjoyed my family this year and depended on them more than ever.
6. I created "Melissa Faye - The Blog" and soft launched my VA business.
7. I joined Mary Kay and actually sold some stuff.
8. I learned what love meant and sure as hell what it doesn't mean.
9. I received the good news that my sister, brother in law, and niece are moving closer to us.
10. I saw struggles being triumphed.
11. I made the decision that I control what makes me happy.
12. I learned that I am me and I shouldn't apologize for it.
13. I learned that my co-workers are some of my greatest friends.
14. I experienced the best of both worlds - married & single.
What was your year like?
CHEERS to 2014 and let's make it a damn good one!
Ready for the new year & a new beginning!! :)